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How to Care for Your Teeth After a Root Canal
Root canals are a common dental procedure used to treat teeth with damaged or decayed pulp. During the root canal, the dentist removes the compromised

Tips To Make Your Dentures Last
Dentures are an excellent solution for those with many missing teeth. They can help restore the look and feel of your smile. But many patients

How Long Do Veneers Last On Teeth?
Porcelain veneers are a natural-looking, durable way to transform your entire smile. They address several common smile imperfections including tooth shape, color, and alignment. Of

Eating with Invisalign: Foods to Avoid With Invisalign
Most people are familiar with how braces can impact what you eat. With metal and wire braces, you must avoid a host of common foods

Easy Tips for Teeth Whitening at Home
Achieving a whiter, brighter smile is a goal for many people. Whiter smiles tend to appear more youthful and can offer a huge confidence boost.

How Long Do Root Canals Last?
A root canal is a common treatment option for teeth with a severely damaged or infected pulp. For many patients, a root canal prevents the

Top 14 Questions To Ask Your Child’s Dentist
Working with a children’s dentist is crucial for your child’s oral health development. Understandably, the dentist’s office can be a scary, uncertain place for children.

How to Choose the Best Veneers for Your Face Shape?
Veneers can correct several teeth abnormalities and help you obtain the smile of your dreams. However, the perfect teeth veneers vary for each person. There’s

Things You Need To Know Before Your First Teeth Whitening Treatment
Getting teeth whitened at the dentist is one of the easiest, safest ways to improve the aesthetics of your smile. Professional teeth whitening treatments are

Benefits of Root Canals Treatments
A root canal is a critical dental procedure that can help to rescue severely damaged teeth. Root canals are a viable alternative to tooth extraction,

At what age should I take my child to the dentist?
Going to the dentist is a regular part of healthcare for adults and even children. While it may seem obvious that kids need to see

Caring For Your Teeth After Whitening Treatment
Teeth whitening at dental clinic can help you remove stains and get brighter teeth. With teeth whitening by our general dentists in Regina, SK ,