Types of Dental Bridges

Missing teeth affect both your confidence and oral health. Thankfully, dental bridges offer a reliable way to restore your smile.

However, different types of tooth bridges suit different needs. Let’s dive into the different types of dental bridges and how they can benefit you.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Dental Bridges

Traditional dental bridges are the most common type. One or more artificial teeth (called pontics) hold the bridge in place. The neighboring teeth have dental crowns on them to support the bridge.

These crowns are cemented onto the neighboring teeth, ensuring stability and durability. Traditional bridges are typically made from porcelain fused to metal or ceramics, which look natural and provide a strong foundation. This type is ideal if you have healthy teeth on either side of the missing tooth.

Cantilever Dental Bridges

Cantilever bridges are similar to traditional bridges but are used when there is only one tooth next to the gap because the pontic is anchored to a single tooth. While cantilever bridges are less common and can put more stress on the supporting tooth, they are a good option when there is only one natural tooth available for support.

Maryland Bonded Bridges

Also known as resin-bonded bridges, Maryland bonded bridges are a more conservative alternative to traditional bridges. Instead of using crowns, this type of bridge uses a metal or porcelain framework with “wings” that are bonded to the back of the adjacent teeth.

Maryland bridges are less invasive because they require minimal alteration to the surrounding teeth. However, they are not as strong as traditional bridges and are best suited for replacing front teeth where less bite pressure is applied.

Implant-Supported Bridges

Implant-supported bridges are an excellent option for patients missing multiple teeth. In this case, the bridge is supported by dental implants that are surgically placed in the jawbone.

Implant-supported bridges offer superior stability and function, closely mimicking natural teeth. However, installing an implant-supported bridge requires multiple visits for the implant placement and bridge fitting. The end result is a restoration that provides a long-lasting and sturdy solution.

Choosing the Right Dental Bridge

Selecting the right type of dental bridge depends on various factors. The location of the missing tooth, the condition of adjacent teeth, and your overall oral health all play a role. Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination and discuss the best options for your specific needs.

Choose Signature Smiles for Your Dental Bridge in Regina, SK

Are you looking to replace a missing tooth? Our general dental team at Signature Smiles is here to help.

Whether you need a traditional bridge, a cantilever bridge, a Maryland bridge, or an implant-supported bridge, we will help you restore your smile.

Let us help you achieve a beautiful, confident smile! Schedule your consultation and find out which dental bridge in Regina is best for you.

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